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Law - Guide for Non-Law Students: Need Help? Contact Us

Legal Research Resources for Non-Law Students


Need help from the UJ Law Library? 

Click on this link:

UJ Law Library Help


Library Times: 2024

Library Hours: 2024

Monday to Friday: 07:30 – 22:00
Saturday: 08:00 -15:00
Public Holidays: Closed

The 24-hour spaces will be open every Monday to Sunday for 24 hours.

How to access the  UJ Libraries:

Access to the UJ Libraries can only be granted if you have a valid UJ Card.
NB: Scan your UJ Card at the Entrance Door of the library and again at the Exit Door when you leave!
You do not need to book for library access.

Library support will also be provided online, Monday to Friday, Visit the "Need Help? Contact Us" page for further information.

The Law Library is Online!


Faculty Librarian Law

Profile Photo
Lizette Van Zyl
University of Johannesburg
Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
+27 11 559 3188
Subjects: Law

Information Librarian Law

Profile Photo
Catrin Ver Loren Van Themaat
University of Johannesburg Library
Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
011 559 3193
Subjects: Law

Law Library Assistants 2020


08:00 - 22:00 (Mo - Fri)

08:00 - 15:00 (Sat)

  • Zeenat Kera (Law Library Mentor)
  • Sabrina Szabo (Senior Law Library Assistant)
  • Felicity Mthombeni (Senior Law Library Assistant)
  • Michele dos Santos (Senior Law Library Assistant)
  • Zahra Musa (Senior Law Library Assistant)
  • Christy Chitengu (Law Library Assistant)
  • Kwanele Diniso (Law Library Assistant)
  • Lizanne van Zyl (Law Library Assistant)
  • Lovemore Mabiza (Law Library Assistant)
  • Neo Phiri (Law Library Assistant)
  • Zeena Martin (Law Library Assistant)

Contact Info:

011 559 2593

Meeting Requests

Do you need in-depth legal research assistance? Feel free to request a meeting  with us over Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Simply fill in the form linked below:

Request for a Zoom Meeting