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Researcher Visibility and Impact: Open Access Publishing

A guide into Academic or Researcher visibility

What is Open Access (OA)?

OA refers to:

  • A family of copyright licensing policies under which authors and copyright owners make their works publicly available.
  • A movement in higher education to increase access to scholarly research and communication, not limiting it solely to subscribers or purchasers of works.
  • A response to the current crisis in scholarly communication.
  • Click here for more information on OA.

Benefits for Researchers

  • Increases readers’ ability to find and use relevant literature
  •  Increases the visibility, readership and impact of authors' works
  • Creates new avenues for discovery in the digital environment
  •  Enhances interdisciplinary research
  •  Accelerates the pace of research, discovery and innovation

Why Open Access Publishing?


Benefits for the Public

  • Greater access to research outputs without the often prohibitive costs associated with traditional publishing.
  • Greater access to academic research findings for those researchers, academic and professional, who work outside academia (or in smaller institutions) who would not otherwise have straightforward access to those findings.
  • Ensures that those who actually provide the money for publicly-funded research (i.e. tax-payers) have access to the outputs they have funded.

UJ Open Journal System (OJS)

OJS is...
  •     an open-source solution to managing and publishing scholarly journals online.
  •     designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the journal administrative and managerial tasks whilst improving the record-keeping and efficiency of editorial processes.