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Humanities - Prescribed and Recommended Books
Teaching Methodology & Practicum 2B: Afrikaans
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Humanities - Prescribed and Recommended Books: Teaching Methodology & Practicum 2B: Afrikaans
This LibGuide provides the titles of Prescribed and Recommended books for all the Faculty of Humanities. Links are provided to the catalogue record of books as well as links to the online availability of books.
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Exam Papers
Dean's Office
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Critical Development Theories: DEV9X03
Department of African Languages
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isiZulu 1A: ZUL1A11
isiZulu 1B: ZUL1B21
Isizulu 2A: IZU2A11
Sepedi 1A: SEP1AA1
Sepedi 1B: SEP1BB1
Sepedi 2A: SEP2AA2
Sepedi 2B: SEP2BB2
isiXhosa 1A: XHO1AA1
Translation Studies: SAL8X11
Department of Applied Communicative Skills
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Communication I: COS1AA1
English A: RET1AA1
English Marketing A: RMM1AA1
Department of Communication and Media
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Department of Greek And Latin Studies
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Classical Culture And Mythologies 1A: CCM1AA1
Classical Culture And Mythologies 2A: CCM2AA2
Classical Culture And Mythologies 3A: CCM3AA3
Modern Greek for Beginners: S7004Q
Modern Greek 1A: MDG1AA1
Modern Greek 2: MDG2B21/MDG2BB2
Modern Greek 3:MDG3B21/MDG3BB3
Department of English
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English 1A : ENG1AA1
English 1B
English 1C and 1D
English 2A: ENG 2A
English 2A: ENG2AA2
English 2B: ENG 2B
English 3A: ENG3AA3
English 3B
English Honours (Lit Theory)
English Honours (Postcolonial Lit)
Modernist/Contemporary Literature: ENG8X07
English Honours: World Literature (ENG 8X08)
Department of Linguistics
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Linguistics 1A: LIN1A11
Linguistics (Sociolinguistics): LIN2AA2
Linguistics (Translation Studies): LIN3AA3
Linguistics 3B
Department of Politics and International Relations
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Politics 1A: PTS1A11
Politics 1A: POL1AA1/PTS1A11/PIR1AA1
Politics 1B: POL1BB1
Politics 1B: PTS1B21
Politics 3D: PTS3D21/POL3DB3
African Political Thought: POL2AA2/PIR2AA2/PTS2A11
Foreign Policy Case Studies: POL3BB3/PIR3BB3
Advanced Research Methodology: POL8X15
Public Policy: PTS2A11/POL2AA2
International Political Economy Politics 3C: 3CA3/PTS3C11
Gender and Politics: POL8X09
Theory and Practice of Diplomacy: POL8X14
International Conflict: POL8X25
Introduction to Foreign Policy: PTS3B11/POL3BB2
Politics 3D: International law
Politics 2D: POL2DB2
Department of Psychology
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Abnormal Psychology: Psy8X02
Child & Family Psychology: PSY3C11/3CA3
Clinical Psychology: CLPCHY
Cognitive Psychology 3G: PSY3GA3
Cognitive Psychology 3G: PSY3G11
Community Psychology: PSY3E
Contemporary Psychology 2F: PSY2F21 AND PSY2FB2
Developmental Psychology 2A: PSY2A11
Developmental Psychology 2A: PSY2AA2
Introduction to Psychology : PSY1AA1
Neuropsychology Honours: PSY8X06
Personality 2H: PSY2HB2 AND PSY2H21
Positive psychology: PSY2D21/PSY2DB2
Psychology 1A: PSY1AA1
Psychology 1A: PSY1A11
Psychology 1B: PSY1BB1
Psychology 1B: PSY1B21
Psychological assessments: PSY8X07
Psychopathology: PSY3D21/3DB3
Psychotherapy: PSY3F21
Psychotherapy 3B: PSY3FB3
Social Psychology : PSY2C11/A2
Psychotherapy: Theory and Models: PSY3FB3
Research Psychology 3A: PSY3AA3/PSY3A11
Department of Social Work
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SCW4J04; SCW8X01; SCW8X02; SCW8X03
Social Work Internship 2: INT 2002
Social Work 1A: MAW1A11
Social Work 1A: SCW1AA1
Social work 1B: SWC1BB1
Social Work 2B: MAW2B21
Advanced Social Theory: SCW9X11
Management and Administration:SCW4HB4
Social Work with Families and Children: SCW3EA3_2
Department of Sociology
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The Individual and Society: SOC1AA1 AND SOS1A11
Social Division: SOC1BB1
Social Division : SOS1B21
Conflict Studies: SOC2AA2
Demography Aids: SOS2B21
Demography Aids: SOC2BB2
SIA 8X01
Advanced Social Theory: SCW9X11
Clinical Sociology: SOC8X11
Advanced Social Theory: SOC9X03
SIM 9X03
Department of Strategic Communication
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Communication Management 1A: COM1AA1
Communication Management 1B: (COM1BB1)
Communication Management 2B: COM2BB2 & CPR2BB2
Communication Management 3A: (COM3AA3)
Communication Leadership and Change SCO7X01
Media 1A: MED1AA1
Media 1B: MED1BB1
Media 2B: MED2BB2
Media 2: MED2AA2
Media 3: MED3AA3
Public Relations 1B: PRL1BB1
Public Relations 2A : PRL2AA2
Public Relations 2B: (PRL2BB2)
Strategic Communication 1A: SCO1AA1
Strategic Communication 1B: SCO1BB1
Strategic Communication 1B extended
Strategic Communication: SCO2AA2
Digital Communication 2B: SCO2DB2
Strategic Communication: SCO3AA3
Strategic Communication: SCO3CA3
Strategic Communication 3D: SCO3DB3
Strategic Communication Theory: (SCM8X06)
Strategic Communication and Research :SCM9X10
Strategic Communication: PPR1001
Strategic Communication: PPR2002 (A)
Strategic Communication: PRL2AA2
Strategic Communication: PRL3AA3
Strategic Communication: PRL3BA3
Department of Religion Studies
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Religion, Theory and Method: REL 8X08
Department of Languages, Culture and Applied Linguistics (LANCSAL)
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Afrikaans 1A: AFR1AA1
Afrikaans 2A: AFR2A11
Afrikaans 2&3: AFR3BB3
Afrikaans 2B: AFR2BB2
Afrikaans 3A: AFR3A11
Business & Administrative Comm 1A: BBA1IAA1 & BBA1BB1
Business Communication: CBS1BB1
Classical Mythology CLC: 1AA1, 1BB1, 2AA2, 2BB2, 3AA3, 3BB3
Communication and English Skills ATK: 1AA1/1BB1
English Marketing Module A : RMM1AA1
English Module A: RET1AA1
French / Frans: FRE2AA2 / FRS2A11
French / Frans: FRE3AA3 / FRS3A11
Teaching Methodology & Practicum 2B: Afrikaans
Strategic Communication 2D: (SCO2DA2)
Professional Writing Skill 1 A: PWS1AA1
Professional Writing Skill 1 B: PWSIBB1
Department of Philosophy
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Philosophy 1B: PHL1BB1
Philosophy 2A: PHL2AA2
Philosophy 3A: PHL3AA3/FIL3A11
Philosophy 3B
Analytic Philosophy: PHL8X07/PHL9X13
Philosophy Hons/MA :PHL8X25/PHL9X13
Hons/MA Research: PHL8X01 / PHL9X11
Department of Anthropology and Developmental Studies
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MPhil Social Policy and Development : SPD 9X03
MPhil Social Policy and Development : M7068Q
Anthropology and Development studies
Anthropology 1A: ATL1A
Development Management: DEV 2BB2
Gender, Sexuality, and Power: ATL1BB1
Department of History
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History 1B: HIS1BB1
History 2B: HIS2BB2
History 8A: HIS8X02
Prescribed and Recommended Books
Afrikaansmetodiek deur 'n nuwe bril. Cloete, D. 2014
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
French / Frans: FRE3AA3 / FRS3A11
RMM1BB1 >>