Looking for Geography books available in the Library? Search UJLink: Library Catalogue for books on a topic or make use of the links below
Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American human geography since 1945 (Print & Online) by Ron Johnston; James Sidaway
Geography and Geographerscontinues to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of human geography available. It provides a survey of the major debates, key thinkers and schools of thought in the English-speaking world, setting them within the context of economic, social, cultural, political and intellectual changes. It is essential reading for all undergraduate geography students. It draws on a wide reading of the geographical literature and addresses the ways geography and its history are understood and the debates among geographers regarding what the discipline should study and how. This extensively updated seventh edition offers a thoroughly contemporary perspective on human geography for new and more experienced students alike.
ISBN: 9780415827379
Publication Date: 2016
Statistical Methods for Geography by Peter A. Rogerson
How do beginning students of statistics for geography learn to fully understand the key concepts and apply the principal techniques? This text, now in its Fourth Edition, provides exactly that resource. Accessibly written, and focussed on student learning, it's a statistics 101 that includes definitions, examples, and exercise throughout. Now fully integrated with online self-assessment exercises and video navigation, it explains everything required to get full credits for any undergraduate statistics module: Descriptive statistics, probability, inferential statistics, hypothesis testing and sampling, variance, correlation, regression analysis, spatial patterns, spatial data reduction using factor analysis and cluster analysis. Exercises in the text are complemented with online exercise and prompts that test the understanding of concepts and techniques, additional online exercises review understanding of the entire chapter, relating concepts and techniques. Completely revised and updated for accessibility, including new material (on measures of distance, statistical power, sample size selection, and basic probability) with related exercises and downloadable datasets. It is the only text required for undergraduate modules in statistical analysis, statistical methods, and quantitative geography.
ISBN: 9781446295724
Publication Date: 2015