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CBE - College of Business and Economics Main Guide: Finding Journal Articles

Welcome to the College of Business and Economics! This guide will introduce you to valuable library information sources related to the 6 Schools within the College , as well as services & facilities offered to undergraduate & postgraduate students, staff

What is a Journal

Journal articles are written by researchers or scholars who work in a professional or in an academic field.

An editorial board evaluates articles submitted. Subject specialists decide whether or not the article adds valuable, important or new information to the subject and whether or not the researchs has been conducted correctly, academically and in an ethical or moral way. Articles thus reviewed or examined are called ‘peer reviewed’.

Journal articles quote sources to substantiate information or statements and also to have an academic reading list of sources consulted for writing the article.

Consult journal articles:

  • For scholarly or academic information
  • For subject specific articles in your field of study
  • For subject specific articles on a topic (The topic can be large or very specific dealing with a small aspect or part of a topic.)
  • For new research
  • For research only published in journals
  • For criticism or comparison of ideas, thoughts, etc.

Finding Articles via UJoogle

Go to the Library web page, or UJoogle.

Type in your subject eg: sustainable housing


one search

Searching via Calalogue

Go to the Library webpage

click on Databases

Sign in with your Library Password and Pin

Put your p/w here


Open a database eg.: Ebscohost

Search Techniques

Boolean Operators:

Boolean operators are used to string keywords. These operators are AND,OR and NOT.

Phrase Searching:

To do phrase searching, you enclose terms to be searched as a phrase in quotation marks. This holds the terms together as you have keyed them in, e.g. “South Africa”, “affirmative action”, “African National Congress”.


This is allows you to search the “root” form of a word with all its different endings – it broadens your search, e.g. employ* will retrieve employ, employment, employee, employer, employees, employers, etc.


The wildcard is represented by a question mark (?). Enter your search terms and replace each unknown character with a ?, e.g. globali?ation. It then searches for globalisation and globalization, wom?n (women and woman)

Intercampus and Interlibrary loans

If the article you are looking for is in a journal, magazine or newspaper the library does not subscribe to in print or in electronic format, consult the catalogue to find out if the journal, magazine or newspaper is kept in another UJ library. If it is, please complete a manual request  for an inter-campus loan.

If no library in the UJ  family subscribes to it, postgraduate students and staff members may request the article on Inter-library loans. This request can be done manually or electronically.