Every Faculty has a dedicated Librarian to provide you with specialist expertise and help you to find the relevant information for your research. The librarians offer one-on-one consultations and group training to all postgraduates who would like to be better equipped with the skills to find Library resources.
Faculty |
Faculty Librarian |
Information Librarian |
Yvonne Bucwa |
011 559 2641 Click here for subject libguides and related Library resources |
Madumella Mofokeng |
011 559 1397 Click here for subject libguides and related Library resources |
Debbie Ellis
Pitso Ramatlotlo
Micahel Sifile
Fikiswa Mgengo |
011 559 3187
011 559 1409
011 559 1030
0115595668 |
Khulekani Zuma |
011 559 5610 Click here for subject libguides and related library resources |
Phaello Mokati
Fikiswa Mgengo
0115595668 |
Desiree Mokgosi |
011 559 9057 011 559 6267 Click here for subject libguides and related Library resources |
Dorcas Rathaba |
011 559 6325 drathaba@uj.ac.za Click here for subject libguides and related resources |
Mlungisi Dlamini |
011 559 6836 mlungisid@uj.ac.za
Theresa Vukeya
011 559 3192
Click here for subject libguides and related Library resources |
Sixolile Nkonyeni
Kedibone Moagi
011 559 3454
Lizette van Zyl |
011 559 3188 lizettevz@uj.ac.zaClick here for subject libguides and related Library resources |
Catrin Ver Loren Themaat |
011 559 3193 |
Pavlinka Kovatcheva |
011 559 2621 Click here for subject libguides and related Library resources |
Kgothatso Mashobane |
011 559 2470 |
The Interlibrary Loan department provides a service to researchers by obtaining material not owned by University of Johannesburg libraries. Material is obtained from libraries in South Africa and abroad. The Interlibrary Loan department also supplies documents to other libraries and institutions in South Africa and overseas.
Kingsway |
Bunting Road FADA |
Doornfontein |
Doreen Matsemela | Roedina Desai | Antonet Sundelowitz |
Phone: 011 559-2256 |
Phone: 011 559-1294 |
Phone: 011 559-6326 |
Office hours: 07:30 to16:30 Monday to Friday |
Office hours: 07:30 to16:30 Monday to Friday |
Office hours: 07:30 to 16:30 Monday to Friday |