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FEBE - Prescribed and Recommended Books: Third Year Courses

Prescribed and Recommended Books Guide for the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment


Coal processing 3A                                      Mechanical Deformation Technologies 3A                       


  Hydrometallurgy 3A                                   Project Methodology 3A      


 Production of Iron and Steel 3A                  Ferrous Metallurgy 3A   


 Foundry Technology 3A                              Pyrometallurgy 3A   



Advanced Engineering Materials3B                                               Casting Design and Simulation 3B


   Metallurgical Project 3B                                                                     Project Management 3B


  Powder Metallurgy and Ceramic Material 3B                                    Process Control 3B     


   Process Design 3B                                                     Principles of Management and economics 3B                                                


Refractory Technology 3B

Refractory Technology : OP Gupta ...

 Welding Technology 3B