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Definitions of information literacy:
An information-skilled student should be able to:
Information literacy is the ability to identify that you need information to complete a specific task, locate and access the needed information, evaluate the information, and apply the information for its intended purpose. We can break down information literacy into:
In higher education, it is expected of you to adhere to academic rules and regulations, in particular when using information for academic purposes.
Information literacy is a lifelong-learning process that prepares you to function in the workplace, as well as develops you into a well-rounded citizen.
source: Information Literacy Group
Source: Bothma, T, Cosjin, E, Fourie, I. & Penzhorn, C. (2022). Navigating information literacy in a digital world. 6th edition. Pearson South Africa: Pretoria.
Information literacy is the ability to identify that you need information to complete a specific task, locate and access the needed information, evaluate the information, and apply the information for its intended purpose. We can break down information literacy into:
Image courtesy of STEP 1. Formulate questions |
STEP 2. Develop a research plan |
STEP 3. Getting to know a research topic |
STEP 4. Refine a research topic |
STEP 6. Identify different types, formats and |