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CBE - Business Management: Systematic reviews tools

The Department of Business Management is a dynamic department that aims at developing business leaders of the future. We have a number of ex​citing programmes and degrees that are guaranteed to add value to your academic growth and stand you

Software used for systematic reviews

Revman  Review Manager (RevMan) is a free software used for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews. Available on this page are links to download, update and guide to using Revman.

To find out more about future developments in RevMan, please click here.

Tools for managing reviews


Covidence is a paid, not-for-profit service dedicated to improving the use of evidence in healthcare decision-making. It is recommended by cochrane. The service partners are The Alfred Hospital, Monash University, National ICT Australia and the University of London.

EPPI-Reviewer 4 

EPPI-Reviewer 4 is a paid software developed and maintained by the EPPI-Centre at the Social Science Research Unit of the UCL Institute of Education, University of London, UK. It is for all types of literature review, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, 'narrative' reviews and meta-ethnographies.


From Brown University. Open and free to all. One can also transfer abstracts over from Reference Manager or EndNote. Allows for collaborative screening of abstracts.

Systematic Review Accelerator

From Bond University. The CREBP Systematic Review Accelerator (SRA) is a free, purpose built platform to speed up multiple steps in the Systematic Review (SR) process. The SRA is a modular design which means the tools can be incorporated into existing SR workflows and combined with other automation tools.

Rayyan QCRI

Rayyan is a free web application developed by the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) to help systematic review authors perform their job in a quick, easy and enjoyable fashion. Rayyan also has a mobile app.

Tools for managing citations

Refworks is citation management software that is free to UJ students, faculty, and staff. With Refworks, you can: import references directly from multiple databases; organize and manage references; and format bibliographies and manuscripts.

More information on how to install the latest Endnote software and how to import citations from bibliographic databases into Endnote.