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CBE - School of Economics Guide: Databases: Academic Journal Articles

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What is a database?

Databases are collections of references to journal articles from many journals, chapters in books, reviews, conference proceedings,reports & in some cases, dissertations & theses. Online databases are most useful for finding articles when you do not know in which journals articles are published. In many cases databases include the full text of articles.

What is Journal Article?

Academic (or scholarly) articles are articles that have been peer-reviewed before they are published. This means that experts in the field of study will review and approve the article before the journal will publish it.Source
A listing of the journals that the Library subscribes to can be found in the A-Z journal search

List of free & open access (OA) databases

Search Techniques

South African databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Core CBE Databases for Accounting, Economics and Finance
