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Science - Geography 2А: Pedology: Searching Instructions

Resources relevant to the Soil Science course

UJLink: Library Catalogue

Steps in Online Searching

Step 1: Think about your research topic.

Why are soil conservation and management so critical for achievement of Sustainable Development Goals  in South Africa?”  Due date: 1 April 2022

Step 2: Identify the main keywords and concepts

  Example: Sustainable Development Goals OR SDG; soil conservation; soil management; South Africa; etc.

Step 3: Locate and Access Resources

- Geography 2A LibGuide, ULink

Step 4: Search for: 

  - Print & Online Books

  - Online databases for articles

Step 4: Make use of Boolean Techniques (AND, OR, NOT) when conducting a search
Step 5: Write your report. Ensure that you acknowledge your Resources (Cite & Reference)

BOOLEANS OPERATORS: Learn how to combine KEYWORDS for better results

UJ Searching Techniques Video

Boleean Operators