This page can help you in two ways:
If you are at the end of your Masters or Doctorate, you need a guidelines on how to submit your Dissertations & Thesis to the library:
Library Thesis submission requirements
The UJ Library requires the following to be submitted:
The NRF receives its mandate from the National Research Foundation Act (Act No 23 of 1998) to support and promote research through funding, human capacity development and the provision of the necessary research facilities, in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of the natural and social sciences, humanities and technology, including indigenous knowledge systems.
The NRF Research Facilities: HartRAO, iThemba Labs, NZG, SAAO, SAEON, SKA, SAASTA and SAIAB conduct research in specific scientific disciplines
Communities in NRF Institutional Repository:
The databases below will help you to ensure that your research topic is unique in South Africa
National ETD Portal: South African theses and dissertations
This database provides information on approximately 170 000 South African current and completed research projects including theses and dissertations. This source now provides information on all fields of science since 1919. The records of the Union Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations (UCTD) formerly maintained by the Potchefstroom University for CHE are now included. The NAVTECH research projects are included in the database. It also includes abstracts and English titles for projects not in English.
Need to find completed UJ Theses & Dissertations? Then search the following resources:
If you would like to search for international Dissertations and Theses, then start with:
South African Open Access Institutional Repositories, inc. Dissertations and Theses: