The UJ Library has a subscription to the following JoVE Science Education instructional Videos relevant to the Biochemistry Teaching & Learning needs:
JoVE SCIENCE EDUCATION: BASIC BIOLOGY: General Lab Techniques; Basic Method in Cellular & Molecular Biology; Biology 1; Biology 2; Lab Animal Research; Lab Safety
JoVE SCIENCE EDUCATION: ADVANCED BIOLOGY: Developmental Biology; Genetics; Cell Biology
JoVE SCIENCE EDUCATION: CHEMISTRY: Biochemistry, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry 1 & 2; Analytical Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry
Reference to a Jove Education video:
Name of section. (Year, Month Day) / n.d for no date. Title of the video (italics) [Video format]. Title of Database. Available from: URL
Jove Science Education. n.d. Dialysis: Diffusion Based Separation [Video file]. Jove. Available from: