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Health Sciences - Postgraduate Research Support: Publishing

Transformative Agreements with Journal Publishers through SANLIC

"The University of Johannesburg Library is repurposing some of its Information budget allocation to include assisting in paying for author publishing costs. We have also entered into Transformative agreements with Publishers through the South African National Library and Information Consortium (SANLIC). SANLIC is a non-profit consortium of member institutions, aimed at negotiating the procurement of, and securing access to information resources on behalf of its members" (UJ Library, 2024).

Predatory Journals

How to write a journal article from a Thesis


DHET Accredited Journals List

Open Access Publishing

Image source: LibApps (n.d.)

The UJ Library promotes and supports Open Access Publishing by covering the cost (paying for) of Open Access Costs/Fees (APCs) on behalf of the Researcher, subject to meeting Library and Faculty criteria. 

In addition to paying for APCs, the library through the South African National Library and Information Consortium (SANLIC), has  Transformative Agreements with Publishers.

These Transformative Agreements mean that the full cost of the APC is covered by the library for you and waived or discounted.

Speak to the Health Sciences Librarians or click here for more information

OROSS: Submitting Your Research

How do I submit my research Articles on OROSS?

Click the below image to log in and submit your research