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Being information literate means that you are able to critically examine evidence and therefore your information need is constantly evolving as new information is added to what is known about the topic.
Scan information
The first step in starting research is to survey the existing information landscape to identify available sources of information and understand the information environment in which you are working.
Seek new information
Due to the extensive amount of information available, part of becoming more information literate is developing habits of mind and of practice that enable you to continually seek new information and to adapt your understanding of topics according to what you find.
New avenues of research
When searching for information on your current topic, always look for fresh research approaches that you have not yet considered. Often the information you found for your initial need will lead you to other richer information that can serve as raw material for many subsequent projects.
Identify what you do not know
Ask the following questions:
Example: You can’t explain why a plastic jug can't melt in boiling water. You know that it is plastic and that it is designed to remain solid when boiling water is poured into the jug, but can’t explain why this happens. You need to find out what kind of plastic the jug is made of and the chemistry or physics of that plastic and of water that makes the jug remain solid when boiling water is poured into it. (The terminology in your first explanation would get more specific once you did some research.)
Taking your lack of knowledge and turning it into a search topic or research question starts with being able to state what your lack of knowledge is.
Taking stock
Taking stock of what you already know can help you to identify any erroneous assumptions you might be making based on incomplete or biased information.
If you think you know something, make sure you find at least a couple of reliable sources to confirm that knowledge before taking it for granted.
Keep your research on track
Research question/Thesis statement/search terms
If none of the terms from your question and thesis/hypothesis lists overlap at all, you might want to take a closer look and see if your thesis/hypothesis really answers your research question. If not, you may have arrived at your first opportunity for revision.
Ask the following questions:
Wider view
Identifying an information need is the first step in the research process. However, many times the initial information need will change as you discover new information and make connections.
Ask the following questions: