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Post-graduate library guide for students in Humanities
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Research matters / editors: Franzél du Plooy-Cilliers, Corné Davis, Rose-Marié Bezuidenhout
Research matters / editors: Franzél du Plooy-Cilliers, Corné Davis, Rose-Marié Bezuidenhout
Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches / John W. Creswell, J. David Creswell
A concise introduction to mixed methods research / John W. Creswell
Designing and conducting mixed methods research / John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark
Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches / John W. Creswell, Cheryl N. Poth
Bryman's social research methods / Tom Clark, Liam Foster, Luke Sloan
How to succeed in your master's and doctoral studies : a South African guide and resource book / Johann Mouton
30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher / John W. Creswell, Johanna Creswell Báez
Qualitative research : a guide to design and implementation / Sharan B. Merriam & Elizabeth J. Tisdell.
First steps in research / Kobus Maree
The SAGE encyclopedia of research design. 4 / edited by Bruce B. Frey
Writing a successful thesis or dissertation : tips and strategies for students in the social and behavioral sciences / Fred C. Lunenburg and Beverly J. Irby
The craft of research / Wayne C. Booth
Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches. INTERNATIONAL EDITION
Feminist research methodology : making meanings of meaning-making
Communication research methodology : a strategic communication science approach to applied research methods / Gary R. Pettey, Cheryl Campanella Bracken, Elizabeth B. Pask
Research in practice : applied methods for the social sciences / edited by Martin Terre Blanche, Kevin Durrheim and Desmond Painter
Survey research and sampling / Jan Eichhorn.
Research design : qualitative, quantitative & mixed methods approaches / John W. Creswell & J. David Creswell
Research at grass roots : for the social sciences and human services professions
Student study guide with IBM® SPSS® workbook for Research methods, statistics, and applications / Kathrynn A. Adams, Eva K. McGuire
SPSS for research methods : a basic guide / Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges
Research methods for managers / John Gill, Phil Johnson ; with Murray Clark
Survey research methods / Floyd J. Fowler, Jr
The dissertation journey : a practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation / Carol M. Roberts
Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation: Guidelines and Examples
Doing Research in Political Science 2nd Edition by Paul Pennings
Advances in psychology research. Volume 134 / Alexandra M. Columbus
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