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Education - EDUCATION & CURRICULUM STUDIES: Referencing and Citation

Reasons for Referencing

  •  To let the reader know whose ideas the writer are using.
  • To give recognition to the original author of a text, opinion, idea, fact, image, etc.
  •  To enable your reader to check your information.
  •  Sources confirm the completeness of the research.
  •  Quotations and references lend authority to the argument, view, etc.
  •  The source list can be consulted by the reader to verify information in the text.

Parts of Citations

 The pdf document below is designed to give you examples on how to cite using the listed resources:

  • Books, e-Book, chapter in a book and article in print

Subject Guide

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Phaello Mokati
University of Johannesburg Library, Auckland Park Campus
011 559 4309
Subjects: Education