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Digital Literacy: Resource 3: Art and Design

By following this guide on digital literacy, users will be able to communicate, use and apply digital technology in multiple formats presented via computers and perform tasks effectively in a digital environment.

These deep searching resources, comprise a comprehensive collection of open source art resources.


 Search to find everything there is to know about fine art, with 160,000 links, 9,000 artists listed, and 2,900 art sites indexed.

The National Art Gallery

This acclaimed museum of arts also maintains a site detailing the highlights, exhibitions and education efforts the institution oversees.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

This website hosts a vast interactive body of information on their collections, exhibitions, events and research.

Musée du Louvre

This acclaimed museum, maintains a site filled with navigable sections covering its collections.

Google Arts and Culture

Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces.