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Science - Postgraduates & Research Support: Getting Published

A library research support guide for the Faculty of Science postgraduates and researchers at the University of Johannesburg.

Getting Published

Before you start writing for publication, there are certain factors you should consider:

  • Is your work novel?
  • Have you added a new dimension to existing theories?
  • How much is currently known about your research area?
  • What journals have published similar work?
  • What are the impact factors of the journals?
  • Do any of the journals charge authors for submissions?
  • Does your University or department publish an undergraduate journal?
  • Have you consulted with your supervisor about publishing?
  • Has your research involved collaboration with industry?
  • If your research involved industry or funding bodies, are you permitted to publish?
  • Will you be available in several months to respond to referees comments?

Where to Publish? To consider:

  • Accredited Journals
  • High Impact Jurnals
  • Top Journals in a field
  • Open Access Journals
  • Conference proceedings
  • Books

Getting Published in the Journal "Science)

How to Publish papers in "Nature"

Publish in Accredited Journals

UJ Research website: 2024 Accredited DHET Journal List

How to use
Select the buttons below to hide certain columns. Use the search function to search through any particular column. The Reload Data button will reload the data from the data set on the server. The CSV will download the data set to your device as CSV. Please note the set is large and it will appear as if the browser has malfunctioned, please allow 2 mins to download the complete set before a refresh is done. The preferred browsers to use is Firefox, Chrome and Edge. Other browsers not tested. Note: This data set is published once a year

In South Africa, only articles published in accredited journals are considered for subsidy. Journals included in the lists below are considered "accredited" by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and will be taken into account for government subsidy and NRF evaluation.

Find high impact journals: SCImago Journal Rank

Journal Metrics by Elsevier

Elsevier now provides three alternative, transparent and accurate views of the true citation impact a journal makes:

SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is a prestige metric based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. With SJR, the subject field, quality and reputation of the journal have a direct effect on the value of a citation. SJR is a measure of the scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. It is a variant of the eigenvector centrality measure used in network theory.

The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database. These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains.

This platform takes its name from the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator, developed by SCImago from the widely known algorithm Google PageRank. This indicator shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996.

Find Open Access Journals

   Consider publishing in Open Access Journals.

Open Access....

  • Maximises the access to the research findings;
  • Increases research impact to a wider readership;
  • Expands shared knowledge across scientific field;
  • Make your research output more visible to researchers elsewhere and make research from elsewhere more accessible;
  • Universities and Research Institutions afford to subscribe to a fraction of those journals, that means that research is having only a fraction of its potential usage and impact
  • Increases the citation impact of the author;
  • Over time increases the Journal Impact Factor

What else researchers need to know about OA:

  • What OA journals exist in your research field? .... Open Science Directory, BioMed Central, PloS, DOAJ ...
  • What Institutional Repository your institution use and how researchers can benefit from it?
  • Publishing in subscription-based journals can limit your readership (Science Direct; Wiley Online, SpringerLink, etc.)
  • Publishing your pre-print article in OA repositories can enlarge your readership and citation impact:; UJContent; VUT’s DigiResearch ....
  • Deposit your post-prints in a OA Repository: UJContent, VUT’s DigiResearch ....
  • As a Researcher, you have an option to publish in Accredited Open Access Journals (AOAJSA)

Top Open Access Journals Directories and Authors websites:

Open Access Institutional Repositories/Theses & Dissertations

UJ Library Books on Scholarly Publishing