There are also many options for free e-books on the Internet. Here are some of the most popular and well known sites:
Google Books - Titles in the public domain or not copyrighted are freely available. Google Books makes only selected pages of some e-books available to you to read on a page-by-page basis (previews). Google Books offers the following text-viewing options: Full View, Limited Preview, Snippet View, or No Preview Available.
HaithiTrust Digital Library - A partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future (HaithiTrust titles are available in Quick Search)
Project Gutenberg - over 40,000 free e-books from the first e-book website. This collection contains e-books where the copyright in the US has expired.
Internet Archive: e-books and Texts Archive - The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books.
Open Library - Primarily a large book catalogue, it is a project of the Internet Archive. The interface connects you to scanned versions of books from the Internet Archive and connects you to other places to find the books in print.