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Law - Short Learning Programmes: Open Access

Research assistance, subject guides and useful library resources for students enrolled in the Short Learning Programmes of the Faculty of Law, compiled by the Faculty of Law librarians

UJ Open Access Mandate

UJ Open Access mandate

In 2010, the Senate approved the University of Johannesburg Open Access Mandate which calls for all accredited research output to be archived in the UJ IR (Institutional Repository)

In 2011, the University signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, and the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

UJ Open Access Libguide




What is Open Access (OA)

Open Access is the practice of providing unrestricted access normally associated with publisher copyright agreements via the Internet.

The end user has immediate and free electronic access.


Benefits to researchers

How does Open Access (OA) benefit researchers? 

  • Increased visibility, usage and impact for their work;
  • Research papers are available in a short span of time and researchers'  online presence and research profile improve;
  • Avoid duplication of research topics and encourage liaison between researchers.

Source: UJ IR (Institutional Repository)