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CBE - College of Business and Economics Main Guide: Lean Library: Getting Started

Welcome to the College of Business and Economics! This guide will introduce you to valuable library information sources related to the 6 Schools within the College , as well as services & facilities offered to undergraduate & postgraduate students, staff

How Does Lean Library Work?

The Purpose of Lean Library

  • Simplifies access to subscribed e-resources, wherever your researchers are.
  • Provides alternative legal routes to discover full-text articles and eBooks when patrons hit barriers

In order to enjoy the functionalities of Lean library, please download the Lean Library browser extension first.

Faculty checklist

Gain easier access to library resources and assistance wherever you are:

  • Let Lean Library work for you and your students
  • Download the browser plug-in on your laptop or computer
  • After downloading, select your institution (University of Johannesburg) and start researching.

Lean Library Videos

Why use Lean Library

Why use Lean Library Extension Browser

Many of us turn to services such as Google or Google Scholar when we have a question, so we naturally try to start our research there. This can cause some confusion when we perform academic research because Google doesn't know who is affiliated with the University of Johannesburg, especially when you are doing research off campus.

Because of this, websites found through search engines like Google will often ask you to pay for e-resources that the library already subscribes to.

With Lean Library you will be prompted to sign in when you reach an e-resource the library has access to, regardless of how you found the web page. Lean Library will also let you know if the e-resource you are currently looking at, is available on a different website, so you never miss a good research.

Watch the UJ Library video on "How to link Lean Library to Google Scholar"

How to LOGIN to the UJ Library Electronic Resoures

How to LOGIN to the UJ Library Electronic Resources

Once you start using the Lean Library plug-in browser, you will be prompted for access, to the OpenAthens electronic resources login screen.