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Law - LLM in Human Rights Law: Dissertations & Theses

Research assistance and useful library resources for LLM in Human Rights Law Students compiled by the Faculty of Law librarians



Reputable Internet links to dissertations and theses in SA Universities’ Institutional Repositories as well as Open Access Repositories in SA and internationally can be found on the Reputable Links tab

On this page, you will find:

  • Guidelines for submitting dissertations and theses at UJ.

  • Links to various national and international platforms where dissertations and theses can be found.

  • A link to our Reputable Links page.

UJ Theses and Dissertations

UJ IR is the University of Johannesburg's Open Access Institutional Repository. The IR collects and maintains intellectual scholarship such as published journal articles (post-print), conference papers and proceedings, data sets, reports, theses and dissertations in a free and open environment.

Electronic Theses & Dissertations completed at UJ can be searched by clicking on the arrow next to "Browse" and then selecting "Communities & Collections".  Theses/Dissertations can also be browsed by Title, Creator (Author), Subject and Contributor (Supervisor).

SA Theses and Dissertations Databases

International Theses & Dissertations Databases

Click on theInfo icon | Myiconfindernext to a database link to find a description of the database

Reputable Links

Reputable Internet links to South African and international publishers, as well as to South African university libraries and their publications, such as dissertations and theses, can be found on the Reputable Links tab.