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Science - Geography 1: Prescribed & Recommended Print Books

UJLink: Library Catalogue

Course Reserves

Geography Call Numbers

Geography print books can be found on Level 3, Level 4 or Level 5 at the APK Library. These are the call numbers if you would like to browse or you can search the UJLink: Library Catalogue for exact shelf numbers:

  • 300 Social Sciences
  • 301 Sociology & anthropology
  • 302 Social interaction 
  • 303 Social processes 
    • 303.3 Coordination and control
    • 303.4 Social change
    • 303.6 Conflict
  • 304 Factors affecting social behavior 
    • 304.2 Human ecology
    • 304.5 Genetic factors
    • 304.6 Population
    • 304.8 Movement of people
  • 305 Social groups 
    • 305.2 Age groups
    • 305.3 Men and women
    • 305.4 Women
    • 305.5 Social classes
    • 305.6 Religious groups
    • 305.7 Language groups
    • 305.8 Racial, ethnic, national groups
    • 305.9 Occupational and miscellaneous groups
  • 306 Culture & institutions 
    • 306.2 Political institutions
    • 306.3 Economic institutions
    • 306.4 Specific types of culture
    • 306.6 Religious institutions
    • 306.7 Institutions pertaining to relations of the sexes
    • 306.8 Marriage and family
    • 306.9 Institutions pertaining to death
  • 307 Communities 
  • 333 Land economics 
    • 333.1 Public ownership and control of land and other natural resources
    • 333.2 Ownership and control of land and natural resources by nongovernmental groups
    • 333.3 Individual (Private) ownership and control of land and other natural resources
    • 333.5 Rental and leasing of land and other natural resources
    • 333.7 Natural resources and energy
    • 333.8 Subsurface resources
    • 333.9 Other natural resources
  • 910 Geography & travel 
    • 910.2 Miscellany
    • 910.3 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances, gazetteers
    • 910.4 Accounts of travel, discoveries, shipwrecks, adventures
    • 910.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
  • 911 Historical geography
  • 912 Graphic representations of earth, atlases

GGR1 Prescribed Book

Prescribed Books GGR1B