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Science - Statistics: Mendeley Citation Manager

Mendeley Citation Manager

Top 10 Mendeley Features

1. Join the Mendeley Academic Collaboration Network

Create an account and start interacting with over 4 million like-minded researchers.  

2. Import Your Reference Libraries from other Reference Managers such as Endnote and RefWorks

Download the Mendeley Migration Guide from this page to get started.

3. Join one of thousands of Public Groups or start your own Public Group.

 Create your own using our dedicated guide to public groups.

4. Create a Private Group and collaborate with colleagues by reading and annotating together.

Find out more in our dedicated guide to private groups.

5. Discover Readership Statistics about the paper you are reading.

Browse Mendeley’s crowd-sourced research catalog of millions of papers

6. Showcase your publication history.

Add your personal publications to your Mendeley profile using Mendeley Desktop, or by visiting your profile page.

7. Choose from one of 8000+ citation styles or create your own!

Use the CSL Editor to explore and modify existing styles. Automatically download journal styles from Elsevier's Author Guides.

8. Drag and drop PDFs automatically extract metadata about research papers.

Add new entries to your library in just a few seconds. Verify the extracted metadata manually, or automatically using a document identifier lookup.

9. Enable the File Organizer to bring order to your stored file.

Mendeley saves your references in the cloud, but you can also opt to download local copies and automatically rename the PDFs using a naming scheme you specify.

10. Mendeley Desktop is available on Mac, Windows and Linux. Mendeley Web functions on all major browsers.

For more details, visit our dedicated resource center.

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