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Library - Information Literacy Module: Tutorial 2: Information sources: Current information

Information literacy for UJ students. Start with "1 Why Information Literacy" and end with "9 Writing & Referencing"

STEP 1: Current information

Source Details Example Where to find?
Popular magazines
  • Current information
  • Easy to understand
  • Photographs and illustrations
  • Main purpose is to entertain the reader and often aimed at a specific audience
  • Does not contain references
  • Fashion: Vogue
  • Sport: Sports Illustrator
  • Music: Rolling Stone

SA Online newspapers


  • Daily information
  • Usually contains local news and events 
  • Written by authors, journalists and witnesses
  • Aimed at the general audience.
  • Includes graphic information
  • Can be published daily or weekly


  • The Star
  • City Press


Library catalogue: SA online newspapers


  • Connected group of pages on the World Wide Web
  • Organisational information (.org)
  • Commercial information (.com)
  • Educational information (.edu)
  • Individual information
  • Company information
  • Social media
  • Information cannot always be verified or checked for accuracy
  • Textual information
  • Visual information
  • Multimedia
  • Interactive
  • Information is devoted to a single topic or several closely related topics
  • Message boards
  • Social Media sites
  • Academic journals (etc)
World Wide Web