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Education - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: Referencing and Citation

Reasons for Referencing

  •  To let the reader know whose ideas the writer are using.
  • To give recognition to the original author of a text, opinion, idea, fact, image, etc.
  •  To enable your reader to check your information.
  •  Sources confirm the completeness of the research.
  •  Quotations and references lend authority to the argument, view, etc.
  •  The source list can be consulted by the reader to verify information in the text.

Parts of a Citation

 The pdf document below is designed to give you examples on how to cite using the listed resources:

  • Books, e-Book, chapter in a book and article in print

Managing your References

Parts of Citations

The pdf document below is designed to give you examples on how to cite using the listed resources:

  • Books, e-Book, chapter in a book and article in print

Subject Guide

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Phaello Mokati
University of Johannesburg Library, Auckland Park Campus
011 559 4309
Subjects: Education