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As an online student, you have access to our full-text online journal databases. You can search via our A-Z journal list or consult the database list to make your selection. You can consult multidisciplinary databases or subject-specific databases.
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Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the Internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. OA is entirely compatible with peer review, and all the major OA initiatives for scientific and scholarly literature insist on its importance. Just as authors of journal articles donate their labour, so do most journal editors and referees participating in peer review.
Source: Peter Suber
In South Africa, only articles published in accredited journals are considered for subsidy. Please note that the DHET list provided by the UJ Research Office is the ONLY source to be consulted. If anyone is not sure about a journal it is best to contact the Research Office: Reetha Nundulall, Tel. +27 11 559 6598; email: