Welcome to the NEW UJ Past Exam Papers website
You can access the UJ Faculty of Science Past Exam Papers directly from this link:
UJ Past Exam Papers: Faculty of Science
- Click on "Search" (the one that is in the middle of the screen)
- Type in the search box your Module name or just "chemistry 1" "mathematics 1", "analytical chemistry" "physics 1" etc.
visit the main Exam Papers new website
Step-by-step instructions:
- Click on the link
- Click on: Groups
- Select the "Faculty of Science"
- Click on "Search" (the one that is in the middle of the screen)
- Type in the search box your Module name or just "chemistry 1" "mathematics 1", "analytical chemistry" "physics 1" etc.
Please contact me if you have any queries:
Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian Science, 011 559 2621; e-mail: pkovatcheva@uj.ac.za