Handbook of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology by Ludmila N. Shishkina; Gennadii Efremovich Zaikov; Alexander N. Goloschapov
The majority of chapters in this book were written by scientists of N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics (IBChPh) of Russian Academy of Sciences. Prof. N. M. Emanuel was one of the founders of biochemical physics -- a part of natural science. This science borders on the line of physics, chemistry and biology with integration of mathematics and with practical applications in medicine and agriculture. The book is devoted to these topics. The time has come to show the scientific community world-wide what Russian scientists have recently done in this area. Six chapters of this volume have information about hydrogels in endovascular embolisation. Special attention devoted to synthesis and properties of spherical particles (SP) of hydrogels and their medico-biological properties, clinical use of SP, radiopaque SP and their preparation and properties, morphological foundation of hydrogels use for vascular occlusion, antitumor agents methotrexate-containing poly(HEMA)-hydrogels and poly(HEMA) with intensified haemostatic activity as a new embolic materials. The volume has very important information about pharmacological premises of the creation of new antitumor preparations of the class of nitrosoalkylurea and investigation of new mechanism of E.coli resistance to alkylation damages induced by NO-donation agent -- a "Quasi-adaptive response". It also includes information about biological activity of different enzymes in process of oxidation in vivo and in vitro, investigation of the properties of lipids in plants and in animals. Some chapters deal with pharmacological criterions for new antitumor drugs, using of Tocopherols as bioantioxidants in vitro and in vivo, creation of new equipment for chemical engineering, investigation of enzyme reactions, thermodegradation and combustion of polymers and polymer composites, formation of char during of combustion, molecular design and reactivity of some chemical compounds, problems of pethrochemistry, preparation and modification of microparticles, investigation of antioxidants in food products, chemistry of rubber and formation of carbon nanostructures. Several chapters include very important information about application of electron spin resonance techniques for investigation of chemical and biochemical reactions.
ISBN: 9781607418610
Publication Date: 2009