Introduction to Protein Science. 2nd ed. by Arthur M. LeskProteins are essential to life, having a great variety of roles in all organisms. They are the ultimate micro-machines: some are building blocks, joining with other substances to make the cells from which we are formed; some are catalysts, speeding up biochemical reactions to keep our cellsactive and alive; yet others help cells to communicate, to move, to build up the complex mix of tissues that make up our bodies, and to regulate unfolding programmes of development. Introduction to Protein Science provides a broad ranging introduction to the contemporary study of proteins in health and disease, suitable for students on biological, biochemical, and biomedical degrees internationally. It relates the study of proteins to the context of modern high-throughput datastreams of genomics and proteomics. Describing basic principles of protein structure and methods for studying them, the book illustrates the wide variety of functions that proteins have, showing how the structures of proteins are intimately linked to their functions. Building on the success of the first edition, the new edition integrates treatment of bioinformatics, databases and computational methods of determining and predicting protein structure and function, and demonstrates how these methods are paving the way for the ability to design novel proteins withspecific desired characteristics. With added coverage of recent developments in the field, particularly in high-throughput methods; a new chapter on enzyme kinetics; extended coverage of topics such as protein evolution, and the immune system; as well as the inclusion of new end-of-chapter exercises, problems and weblems, the bookcaptures the current state of excitement in a way that all biosciences students and instructors will find appealing. The Online Resource Centre to accompany Introduction to Protein Science features the following resources for lecturers and students. For registered adopters* Figures from the book available to download* Answers to end-of-chapter exercises For students* Links to useful websites to aid further research into protein science* Helpful hints and tips for answering end-of-chapter problems
Laboratory Experiments for Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry by Frederick A. Bettelheim; Joseph M. LandesbergThe 48 experiments in this well-conceived manual illustrate important concepts and principles in general, organic, and biochemistry. As in previous editions, three basic goals guided the development of all the experiments: (1) the experiments illustrate the concepts learned in the classroom; (2) the experiments are clearly and concisely written so that readers will easily understand the task at hand, will work with minimal supervision because the manual provides enough information on experimental procedures, and will be able to perform the experiments in a 2-1/2 hour laboratory period; and (3) the experiments are not only simple demonstrations, but also contain a sense of discovery. This edition includes many revised experiments and two new experiments.
Call Number: 540.78 BETT
ISBN: 9781133106029
Publication Date: 2012
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