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Science - Biochemistry: Academics Support: Teaching & Research

Biochemistry related resources and services in support to Teaching, Learning and Research

Online Library Services & Support

Meet your Science Librarians:

Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian for Science

I'm responsible for your Library Research Support, throughout your Postgraduate studies.

My contact details:

  • Tel.: 011 559 2621
  • E-mail:
  • Physical office: APK Library Level 4
  • Twitter: @ujlibscience
  • Chat: via different Subject LibGuides
  • Science Subject LibGuides
  • Blackboard CM0017: Science Postgraduates Library Support Module
  • Zoom & Teams - for online talk and training
  • If you need help, contact me on WhatsApp: 083 6411537

Meet your Science Librarians:

Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian for Science

I'm responsible for your Library Research Support, throughout your Postgraduate studies.

My contact details:

  • Tel.: 011 559 2621
  • E-mail:
  • Physical office: APK Library Level 4
  • Twitter: @ujlibscience
  • Chat: via different Subject LibGuides
  • Science Subject LibGuides
  • Blackboard CM0017: Science Postgraduates Library Support Module
  • Zoom & Teams - for online talk and training
  • If you need help, contact me on WhatsApp: 083 6411537

Desiree Mokgosi, Information Librarian FEBE / Science

Physical space: DFC Library, Ground floor

Tel: 011 559 9057


Academics & Postdoctoral Researchers:

  • You will need your UJ STAFF CARD to borrow books.
  • You can borrow up to 30 print books for 60 days.
  • For more information on membership types and borrowing privileges, see Lending Services Q1: “Who may borrow and for how long?”
  • Remote online access to databases
  • Unlimited access to Online Books

Renewing Books

All items from the general collection may be renewed twice if the item has not been placed on hold for/by another client).
Items may be renewed by phone (011 559 2165), online (access the Library Catalogue, click on “My UJLink” and follow the prompts) or in person at the Lending desk

Lending Self Service

You can perform the following services yourself without assistance from the Lending desk staff
– Access your patron record (library record)
– Place a hold on an item
– Renew items currently checked out
– Access class notes or articles placed on the reserved collection
– Issue items to yourself (self-checkout)
For detailed instructions, visit Lending self service.

Missing Books

If an item shows ‘available’ on the catalogue, but it is not on the shelves:

  • Complete the online “Missing books” form
  • The Library staff will search for the item and place it on hold for you if found.
  • If not found, the item will be indicated as “Missing” on the catalogue

To search for Print & Online Books, please use the Library Catalogue or the Science Subject LibGuides

Library Opening Times - 2022 academic year

Access to the UJ Libraries can only be granted if you have a valid UJ Card.

For more information, visit the Library website

Inter Campus loans 

ICL is a service through which material held by one UJ campus Library is sent to another UJ campus library for the patron’s convenience.​

Q1. What is the purpose of Interlibrary Loans?

To obtain material for clients (books and journal articles) which are not available in our library collection. Material is obtained from libraries in Southern Africa and from international libraries through national and international interlibrary loan schemes.​

Q2. Who qualifies for Interlibrary Loans?

  • 4th year undergraduate students;
  • Honors students; Registered Masters and Doctoral students;
  • Staff members of the University of Johannesburg.

Q3. How do I submit requests?

Firstly, it is essential to check the online library catalog, and the electronic journals to ensure that the required item is not held at the University of Johannesburg Library Service.

Secondly, it is essential to determine whether the journal article is available electronically in the case of journals. Electronic journal titles subscribed to by the Library Service are accessible via the online library catalog and an E-journal title A-Z list on the online databases web page

Request via the Internet: Please fill in all the fields when you request a book or journal article online. No requests will be processed without the necessary information regarding your student/staff number and address. ILL will process no requests without the necessary information regarding your student/staff number and address.​​​​​

Q4. What information is required when submitting a request?

Books: Author / Title / Year / ISBN if available

Articles: Journal title / Author of article / Title of article / Year / Volume / Part / Page numbers / ISSN if available

According to an agreement between Higher Education Institutions in South Africa, Academics staff, Masters & PhD students can obtain membership to other University Libraries in order to access resources not available in their own University libraries. This type of membership to another University Library is only valid till the end of each academic year and must be renewed annually.
To apply for such membership:

  • complete a Letter of Introduction application form and submit it to Pavlinka Kovatcheva.
  • ensure that you have no overdue items or outstanding fines at UJ Libraries
  • you will be informed as soon as the Letter is ready and a copy of the letter will be sent to the selected library
  • take your copy of the Letter to the selected library
  • adhere to all the rules and regulations of that library

UJ Library Bindery Services

The UJ Library includes a well-established Bindery where hard (craft) binding is done to professional standards. The Bindery offers binding services to UJ students, staff, academic departments and faculties as well as private clients

Theses and dissertations bound according to university specifications and standards. We bind any books, including Bibles and collector’s items.
Phone us for a free quotation (Tel. 011 559 2161) or visit us in the library at Kingsway Campus.
For more information on the Bindery, including tariffs, click here.

Research & Teaching Support

Login via Open Athens

If you are prompted to this screen please use your Blackboard credentials to login and select Student

Lean Library is a Library Access browser plug-in that allows you access to academic articles, books and other electronic resources, licensed by the UJ Library. If you start your search on Google or Google Scholar, the plugin will automatically link you to the full-text library resources. You will be prompted to sign in with your UJ credentials when you reach an e-resource the library has access to.

Install the browser extension once and enjoy a simpler, faster way to get the full-text content.

Seamless Access:

  • Remote access to the UJ Library Electronic Resources
  • Recognises the UJ library e-resources and then prompts you to authenticate

One login per browser session:

  • Once UJ authenticated, patrons can go about their research accessing the e-resources
  • Provides alternative legal routes to full-text articles and eBooks when you hit barriers

Research Commons space

The main aim of the Research Commons is to enhance the Library’s contribution to postgraduate throughput and research output by providing a conducive environment for researchers and offering services that directly support the research endeavors of postgraduate students and researchers.

Access to the Research Commons: Use your Staff card for access

APK Library Research Commons: Level 2 on the left from the foyer

DFC Library Research Commons: 1st and Ground floor (archiving space)

  • The Research Commons is a dedicated space for registered Postgraduate students, Postdoctoral fellows and staff engaged in research Activities.
  • The facility contributes directly to the university’s goal to promote research, support for postgraduate and postdoctoral studies.
  • The space has meeting rooms of varying size and are designed for multipurpose use.
  • The facility has state of the art technology PCs, Wi-Fi connectivity, printers, and copiers.
  • There is research software installed in the PCs to support the research enterprise.

UJ Research Navigator: Your preliminary source of information and guidance as you begin or continue with your research journey.


  UJ Institutional Repository - Research Output

UJ IR is the University of Johannesburg’s Open Access Institutional Repository. The IR collects and maintains intellectual scholarship such as published journal articles (pre-print and post-print), conference papers and proceedings, data sets, reports, theses and dissertations in a free and open environment.

Search UJ IR: UJ IR collections & communities

Submit thesis or dissertation:

Submit Research output on OROSS: Submit research articles

UJ Data Repository

UJ DR is the University of Johannesburg’s Open Access Data Repository and Research Data Management tool, Figshare, collects Research data/Raw data/Datasets, which are data in whatever formats or form collected, observed, generated, created and obtained during the entire course of a research project.  It allows researchers and the institution at large to make research data findable, accessible, inter-operable and reusable

Search UJ DR: UJ Research Data

Submit your Dataset guides:

Contact Pavlinka Kovatcheva for more information on:

Publishers Deal LibGuide Support

Article Processing Charges (APC’s)
20% of the Faculties Information budget is allocated to payment of APC’s .

Open Access Accredited & Impact Journals
Identification of Open Access accredited and impact journals for publication

Predatory Journals and Publishers
Identification of Predatory Journals and Publishers

Open Journal System

At the University of Johannesburg, we support Open Access Publishing and the dissemination of information through open access platforms. Part of our mission at UJ Library is to support research in any way that we can. We host journals for any institution and support editors in hosting and managing their journals. The Open Journal System (OJS) is the digital platform on which these journals are hosted and managed by UJ Press.

About the UJ Press

History of the press

UJ Press was established in October 2020 under the auspices of the UJ Library. The press started publishing Open Access journals on the Open Journal System (OJS). In October 2021, the Press set up an Open Monograph Press (OMP) and started publishing books in print and electronic format. 


UJ Press publish titles in all disciplines related to Pan-African Decolonisation and issues surrounding 4IR. The Press also publish co-publications with international publishers, translated titles, digital scholarship including video and audio scholarly outputs and textbooks. Lastly, it will also publish data sets, 3D assets and other digital formats.

Peer Review

All of our publications are subjected to a double-blind peer-review process before publication. 

Open Access Policy

UJ Press is committed to the goals of open research and open access (OA) publishing. We encourage full access to our publications on most international scholarly platforms.

Our OA policy helps our authors achieve a high level of openness with their research and supports them in meeting the OA requirements of their research funders and institutions.

We encourage authors to self-archive their works on the platforms of their choice. We provide a DOI link to their chapter which can be used to reference their contribution. 


In South Africa, only articles published in accredited journals are considered for subsidy. Journals included in the DHET list below are considered “accredited” and will be taken into account for government subsidy and NRF evaluation. Please note that the DHET list provided by the UJ Research Office is the ONLY source to be consulted. If anyone is not sure about a journal it is best to contact the Research Office:

Reetha Nundulall
Tel.: +27 11 559 6598

The DHET journal list is posted on the UJ web > Research > Research Publications > Accredited DHET journal lists

For Publications Support, contact your Faculty Librarian. They can:

  • Assist with identification of accredited and impact journals for publication
  • Assist with reporting on top cited/impact journals in your subject field
  • Advise on journals for publications
  • Arrange Author’s webinars and online sessions with leading Publishers

Blackboard Support

If you need Blackboard support, please contact 

How to apply for TurnitIn access?


  • Login to Blackboard
  • Click on UJ Tools
  • Scholl down and find "TurnitIn"
  • Click on the link and follow the instructions
  • Go to "Organisations" and you will find TurnitIn module available