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Researcher Visibility and Impact: Tracking your citations

A guide into Academic or Researcher visibility


BIBLIOMETRICS offers a set of methods and measures that can be used to assess research impact and patterns in scholarly communication. In essence, it measures the PRODUCTIVITY and IMPACT of the published work. 

Main uses: Ranking and benchmark data, assessment of individual researchers, and journal rankings.

Key Metrics: Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for journal rankings, H-index for individual rankings, and citation statistics

Tools to extract Bibliometrics


The index is a measure of the number of highly impactful papers a scientist has published.

The h-index can therefore be regarded as a measure of the number of publications published (productivity) as well as how often they are cited (impact).

Using Almetrics to choose where to publish


Measures of impact based on online activity, which are mined or gathered from online tools and social media. For example:

  • Tweets, mentions, shares or links,
  • Downloads, clicks or views,
  • Saves, bookmarks, favourites, likes or upvotes,
  • Reviews, comments, ratings, or recommendations, 
  • Adaptations or derivative works, and                              


PLOS Impact explorer