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Health Sciences - Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: Prescribed Books

Prescribed Books

For your convenience in accessing the prescribed books from the Library catalogue or/and databases, click on the book title (bullet point) under your module.

Reserve Print Collection

  • This is a closed collection of prescribed books situated at the Circulation Desk and can be used in the Library for ONLY 2 hours
  • Reserved books borrowed overnight to be taken out ONLY 2 hours before closure (for more information, consult the Circulation Staff)
  • Overnight items CANNOT be renewed

Modules & Book Titles

Ultrasound Practice III   Ultrasound Clinical Practice III

Radiobiology 3 (Therapy)

Advanced Anatomy,  Applied Physiology And Pathology 3 

Diagnostic Practice 1


Radiation Oncology

Treatment planning and dosimetry

Fines on books returned late

  • To avoid Library fines, return or renew your borrowed books on or before the due date
  • Overdue items will accumulate fines until the items are returned/renewed
  • Fines vary according to the collection the items were borrowed from and are reviewed annually (the 2022 tariff for Reserved Collection (per item per hour) is R10.00