Meet your Science Librarians:
Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian for Science
I'm responsible for your Library Research Support, throughout your Postgraduate studies.
My contact details:
Meet your Science Librarians:
Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian for Science
I'm responsible for your Library Research Support, throughout your Postgraduate studies.
My contact details:
Name: Kabelo Dhlamini
FEBE & Science: Information Librarian
Tel: 011 559 9057
Location: DFC Library, Ground floor
Access to the UJ Libraries can only be granted if you have a valid UJ Card.
For more information, visit the Library website
As a UJ Postgraduate student you can:
Login via Open Athens
If you are prompted to this screen please use your ULink credentials to login and select "Student"
Welcome to the UJ Research Commons
The main aim of the Research Commons is to enhance the Library’s contribution to postgraduate through-put and research output by providing a conducive environment for researchers, and offering services that directly support the research endeavours of postgraduate students and researchers.
Access to the Research Commons:
Use your Student card for access
If your card does not allow you to access the Research Commons, then:
APK Postgrads: Go to D LAB 208. The activation process can take up to 24hrs.
DFC Postgrads:
Borrowing Books
Renewing Books
All items from the general collection may be renewed twice if the item has not been placed on hold for/by another client).
Please note: Items from the reserve collection CANNOT be renewed.
Items may be renewed by phone (011 559 2165), online (access the Library Catalogue, click on “My UJLink” and follow the prompts) or in person at the Lending desk
Lending Self Service
You can perform the following services yourself without assistance from the Lending desk staff
– Access your patron record (library record)
– Place a hold on an item
– Renew items currently checked out
– Access class notes or articles placed on the reserved collection
– Issue items to yourself (self-checkout)
For detailed instructions, visit Lending self service.
Missing Books
If an item shows ‘available’ on the catalogue, but it is not on the shelves:
To search for Print & Online Books, please use the Library Catalogue or the Science Subject LibGuides
ICL is a service through which material held by one UJ campus Library is sent to another UJ campus library for the patron’s convenience.
Q1. What is the purpose of Interlibrary Loans?
To obtain material for clients (books and journal articles) which are not available in our library collection. Material is obtained from libraries in Southern Africa and from international libraries through national and international interlibrary loan schemes.
Firstly, it is essential to check the online library catalog, and the electronic journals to ensure that the required item is not held at the University of Johannesburg Library Service.
Secondly, it is essential to determine whether the journal article is available electronically in the case of journals. Electronic journal titles subscribed to by the Library Service are accessible via the online library catalog and an E-journal title A-Z list on the online databases web page
Request via the Internet: Please fill in all the fields when you request a book or journal article online. No requests will be processed without the necessary information regarding your student/staff number and address. ILL will process no requests without the necessary information regarding your student/staff number and address.
Books: Author / Title / Year / ISBN if available
Articles: Journal title / Author of article / Title of article / Year / Volume / Part / Page numbers / ISSN if available
UJ Library Bindery Services
The UJ Library includes a well-established Bindery where hard (craft) binding is done to professional standards. The Bindery offers binding services to UJ students, staff, academic departments and faculties as well as private clients
Theses and dissertations bound according to university specifications and standards. We bind any books, including Bibles and collector’s items.
Phone us for a free quotation (Tel. 011 559 2161) or visit us in the library at Kingsway Campus.
For more information on the Bindery, including tariffs, click here.
Quick Links to get you started:
How to apply for TurnitIn access?
Library Support for Science Postgraduates LibGuide
Dear Science students, the Postgraduates LibGuide will help you find relevant information for your research needs.