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Science - Chemistry 2 & 3 - Organic & Analytical Chemistry: Past Exam Papers

How to access Past Exam Papers

Welcome to the NEW UJ Past Exam Papers website

You can access the UJ Faculty of Science Past Exam Papers directly from this link:

UJ Past Exam Papers: Faculty of Science 

  • Click on "Search" (the one that is in the middle of the screen)
  • Type in the search box your Module name or just "chemistry 1" "mathematics 1", "analytical chemistry" "physics 1" etc.


visit the main Exam Papers new website

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Click on the link
  • Click on: Groups
  • Select the "Faculty of Science"
  • Click on "Search" (the one that is in the middle of the screen)
  • Type in the search box your Module name or just "chemistry 1" "mathematics 1", "analytical chemistry" "physics 1" etc.

Please contact me if you have any queries:

Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Faculty Librarian Science, 011 559 2621; e-mail: