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Library - A Beginner's Guide to EndNote 21: Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the capabilities of EndNote and enhance your research journey through our detailed LibGuide, packed with expert tips, tutorials and effective bibliography management strategies.

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EndNote 21 FAQs


1. Why am I  getting the "Cannot Edit Range" error when attempting to use the EndNote tool in Word?

This is likely due to the installation of the Mendeley plug-in in Word. Migrate your references to EndNote and then follow the steps here to remove the plug-in. 

2. Can I import a CSV file into my library?

EndNote does not have an import filter for CSV files but you can open a CSV file with Excel and then use the steps from the Knowledge Base article to turn the file into a tab-delimited file which can be imported into EndNote.

3. Can I download the references from the Google Scholar site?
You must configure Google Scholar to save references in an EndNote-compatible format. Refer here for instructions.

4. Can I export the references from the PubMed online database to my EndNote program?
You can follow the instructions from here for exporting the references from PubMed to the EndNote program

5.  Is it possible to set EndNote to import PDFs automatically?

 Using the PDF Auto Import Folder option, you can import the PDFs automatically and whenever you add a new PDF to the folder. The PDF be imported into the library. Please see the steps here.

See more questions here.