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Quick Guide to Referencing:
UJ Harvard Reference Techniques latest 2013 update
Example for Referencing an ARTICLE with 1 author:
Dyers, C. (2008). Language shift or maintenance? Factors determining the use of Afrikaans among some township youth in South Africa. Stellenbosch papers in Linguistics, 38:49-72.
Example for Referencing an ARTICLE with more than 3 authors:
Orom, U. A., Derrien, T., Beringer, M., Gumireddy, K., Gardini, A., Bussotti, G. & Shiekhattar, R. (2010). Long non-coding RNAs with enhancer-like function in human cells. Cell, 143(1):46-58.
Orom, U.A., Derrien, T., Beringer, M. et al. (2010). Long non-coding RNA’s with Enhancer-like function in human cells. Cell, 143(1):46-58
Orom, U.A., Derrien, T., Beringer, M., …Shiekhattar, R. (2010). Long noncoding RNAs with enhancer-like function in human cells. Cell, 143(1):46-58
What is referencing?
It is a way to demonstrate that you have extended your learning.
Two reasons for referencing:
· To let the reader know whose ideas you are using
· To enable your reader to check your information
Reference to a journal article:
Authors (Surname and initials followed by a comma after each initial e.g. James, J.& Snyman, M.) (date). Title of article. Journal Name, volume number, first page number – last page number.
Morais, A.C., & Ferreira, S.T. (2005). Folding and stability of a coiled-coil investigated using chemical and physical denaturing agents: Comparative analysis of polymerized and non-polymerized forms of α-tropomyosin. The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 37:1386-1395. doi: 10.1016/j.biocel.2005.01.008
Note: In text, you will refer to it as Morais & Ferreira (2005)
Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J. A. J., & Lupton R. A. (2000). The art of writing a scientific article. Journal of Scientific Communications, 163:51-59. doi: 10.1002/pro.514
Note: In text you will refer to it as Van der Geer et al., (2000)
Reference to a book:
(Authors (follow each surname with a comma and full stops after initials (date). Title. (Edition). Place of publication: Publisher
Strunk Jr., W., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style (3rd Ed.). New York: Macmillan.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
Mettam, G. R., & Adams, L. B. (1994). How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In B. S. Jones, & R. Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the electronic age (pp. 281-304). New York: E-Publishing Inc.
Example Reference list:
Blake, N. (1998). Using the web in undergraduate education. Journal of Educational Computing, 5(2):234-251.
Blake, N. (1999a). Higher Education in the 21st century. New York: University Press.
Blake, N. (1999b). The promise of mobile technologies for education. Edulink, 3(2). Available from: (Accessed 8 February 2001).
Davis, K. (1987). Computer-based training for accountants. Unpublished doctoral thesis. Johannesburg: Rand Afrikaans University.